Preparing For A Race? Commit To A Cycling Training Schedule Today!

Cycling Training

Cycling training for improved fitness can be one of the easiest ways for people to get healthy. Some of the major benefits of cycling is that it is a low impact sport, and people are capable of biking more often with more intensity than they can with running.

Cycling is a great hobby for people to try. However, one of their main problems is often figuring out how to obtain the fitness levels that they want and prepare for a race.

One of the ways to achieve this is through following a well-planned cycling training schedule.

Stages of Cycling Training:

An effective cycling training schedule has several important parts that people should adhere to in order to achieve their fitness goals. Cycling training programs often have a base where a person can begin their training. It includes how many laps; distances or miles they should do in a particular session.

This works on the premise that in order to avoid the high risk of injury, it is better not to do too much too soon. Another important part of the training that is usually found in the program is strength building.

Strength building is often done in order not to compromise speed.

Aside from that, rest is also included in a cycling training program. With rest, people are allowed enough time for their worn-out muscles to recover. If they want to keep training, they should try out some alternative activities.

Do Not Forget Sprinting and Speed

One of the most important parts of a cycling training schedule is developing speed and sprinting. In order to help a person, develop their speed, a cycling schedule often includes mid-distance time trials and high-intensity fartlek runs.

Aside from that, it will include times where people can develop their sprint speeds.

They should also remember that the peak of their real sprint speed can often be maintained for two to three weeks. Because of this, they should not do this sort of preparation all of the time.

Although sprint and speed are important parts of a training program, people should not forget that it also includes a tapering period.

fluid replenishment

A tapering period helps allow their muscles to recover and build up glycogen. At the same time, it facilitates the body’s ability to sleep or rest.

A person should also remember that a good cycling training program should include periods for food and fluid replenishment.

This helps people practice their drinking and feeding regimens in order to find the flavors and combinations that suit them before the day of an event.

Important Tips

In order for an individual to follow a program such as the one below, they should try working forwards from the start and backward from the date of their event.

They should also bear in mind that the nature of the event will be a strong guideline in determining what they should do in the first three weeks of their training.

If they work from the event date backward to the present day, it will reveal what their present fitness and training regimes should be. This will also show how much they can adjust to soften or harden their program in order to optimize their workouts.

There is often a mismatch in the middle when people work both forward and backward.

This lets them know that the harder efforts that they have planned for the latter part of their program need to be increased or lessened in order to accomplish what can safely be achieved or help them adjust the length of their program.

The second week of their training program should be firm. However, there should be less time and distance than the fourth and third week. This is also where people are recommended to start working their program back from.

Example Cycling Training Schedule:

1st Week:

  • Monday: Rest day but ideal for recovery massage or swim
  • Tuesday: Strength day
  • Wednesday:  Robust wind training and distance training
  • Thursday: Wind training or speed intervals if not done on Wednesday
  • Friday: Rest day or swim or tune up massage
  • Saturday: Distance flats
  • Sunday: Distance, some fast bursts, hills

2nd week:

  • Monday: Rest day
  • Tuesday: Strength day
  • Wednesday: Wind training
  • Thursday: Speed intervals
  • Friday: Rest day or tune up massage
  • Saturday: High tempo time trials or race efforts
  • Sunday: No tempos and long slow recovery ride

After completing their first two weeks, people should then repeat the block while changing the duration, time and intensities of their sessions. In association with this schedule, people should also write down what they have actually achieved.

This should include colds and coughs, injuries, bad sleep patterns along with good feelings. This enables people to determine if the training schedule is actually working for them.

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I’m a cycling enthusiast.