Weeride safe front child bike seat review


Weeride safe front child bike seat is great news for moms and dads who want to introduce young children to the joy of bike riding but are concerned about safety and security.

I can truthfully say that the WeeRide bike seats are possibly the best and also most fun bicycle seats you can acquire. Simply have a look at the Weeride safe front Child Bike Seat testimonial on amazon.com if you do not believe me.

The Weeride safefront baby bike seat that is mounted on the center of the bike on a patented bar which is connected from the front pole of the bike frame to the seat post. Sometimes it is called the Weeride Kangaroo seat.

The Weeride Kangaroo styled bike seat is the original as well as the finest installed baby bike seat. It is all thanks to what’s been described as a design breakthrough in child bike carriers..

A safer bike trip for both moms and dads along with the young kids. This carrier offers many benefits:

  • by placing your youngster in the centre of the bike the weight of the child is more evenly distributed so the journey become safer.
  • You would be able to get involve with your youngster at all times as well as provides them a somewhat more intriguing sight than what they’re used to siting behind you on rear installed seats!

You should also know that front mounted bike carriers put all the youngster’s weight on the handlebars which makes control of the bike more difficult. Additionally, your child gets swayed with the handle at every turn, more significantly, it is very dangerous in my viewpoint specifically if you need to stop or turn rapidly.

Another thing to consider is the rear mounted child bike seat. Placing your kid in a seat at the rear of your bike and forget about them is not really a good solution. Back-mounted seats destabilise your bike as a result of the unnatural added 15kg or 30 extra pounds at the rear.

If the child moves suddenly maybe to see where they are going then it may be possible for the rider to lose control of the bike.

It is additionally not enjoyable for your youngster to just look at your back and be unable to have a conversation with you. Turning around to see if they are ok, means that you are not paying attention on the road – we all know how dangerous that can be.

Key features of the Weeride Safefront Bike Seat

This wee-ride bike comes with many features that is loved by everyone. A list of the key features are provided below for you to pick your most preferred, the one that will convince you to purchase this product.

  • This bicycle seat include the kangaroo hand and head rest for you baby to rest their head if fall asleep.
  • The cushion is very comfortable for baby to rest their head on, if they fall asleep.
  • Older children never normally fall asleep because they tend to really enjoy the ride and conversation with the parent.
  • The seat is also cushioned and include a five point safety strap to securely hold the baby in place.
  • The seat also comes with an adjustable foot rest. It can be adjusted according to the height of the child.
  • A unique center mounted baby bike seat for children to balance the weight of the child over the bike.
  • This baby carrier is recommended for children ages from 1-4 years. Although it can be used with younger children assuming they have a strong enough neck muscles.
  • Some parent use it with children as young as 6-9 months.
  • As a result of the child being in front it Allows the rider to communicate with their child.
  • The parent can easily deal with any minor issues that the child may have. This would have been virtually impossible if the child was behind the rider on the traditional bike seat.
  • The child will see Interesting view of the street ahead and not just your back!
  • No attachment to the handlebars which may impede the cyclist ability to steer the bike.
  • Your child will feel more secure with your arms around them.
  • The seat can be fitted easily within 10 to 20 minutes
  • The seat can be removed in seconds for solo riding or may be connected to a second bike that is fitted with the cross bar.
  • Headrest for baby to sleep, which they do at an early age
  • No dangling legs as the feet is fitted in an enclosed and moveable foot rest.
  • Fits on all bikes including oversized head tubes and full suspension of 16”+ (except drop handle bars).
  • Comes with its own bar so fits to Ladies and Mens bikes.
  • 5 point safety strap and enclosed movable footrests for child safety
  • Everything you need is in the box including the seat, bar and tools.

Weeride Bike Seat Instructions

Follow these simple steps to set up your weeride safe front child bike seat

step 1: Loosen the screws and fit the front part of the patented central bar to the front tube. Then tighten the screws with the Allen key provided. If you lose yours you can get one on Amazon.

Step 2: Loosen the central screw and connect the other end of the central bar to the seat post and tighten.

Step 3: Tighten the nuts on the  central bar.

Step 4: Fit the head rest into the little chair. Flip over and put the screw in then tighten with a screwdriver.

Step 5: Place the bike seat in the required position, backward or forward, then tighten the thumb screw.

Ensure that everything is tightened because your safety is important. Enjoy your new family adventures!

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Guy Daniels
Hi, my name is Guy Daniels and I am a bike enthusiast, from as long as I can remember. I lost my way for a while, focusing on building a successful career. But, I always felt as if something was missing from my life and it was. I realised that my love for biking is really strong and I can not suppress it anymore. At this moment, i want to share all my passion for biking with you - as you share your passion with me. Let us ride together on this journey, my friend. Share your thoughts on this topic, with friends everywhere.